2. Go to Uploads > Upload files in the menu or click the button in the toolbar. The Upload files dialog box will open.
3. Click Add files or Add folder to browse for files or folders to upoad.
4. If you want to compress uploaded files, select compression method from the drop-down list.
5. Specify number of days your files should be kept. When this time period expires, the link to the file will not be valid anymore and the file will not be available for download.
6. Specify supposed number of downloads.
7. If you upload multiple files, you can specify package name (optional).
8. If you want to set a password for this download, check the corresponding box and enter your password.
9. If you want to add link to these files in our catalogue, check the corresponding box.
10. If desired, include advanced information, such as upload description, tags, your name and email or receiver's email (optional).
11. Click OK to finish.